Wednesday, December 21, 2011

It's a puzzle...

Life is a puzzle waiting to be put together...and I'm still trying to find the right pieces. Sunday my best friend and I took a "recap" picture of a picture that was taken of us when we were probably like 11. Looking back I realize how simple life truly was...I mean it was literally handed to me on a silver platter. Where did simplicity go?
 Complicated is my life's new favorite thing to be. I have this urge to find one of those movie scene country fields covered in yellow flowers and run through it for hours without a care in the that even possible? Everything in my life seems to be changing so slowly but I'm almost afraid to speed things up in case I miss something really important. All of this confusion has left me exhausted. I am weak mentally, emotionally, and even physically. But I guess that's apart of life right? I keep reminding myself that the Lord is my strength, my comfort, and my shelter...all of these answer I have been searching for can be found in the peace that only Christ gives. I guess 50+ years from now I may finally get to sit back and look at the finished puzzle in amazement at how each piece fit perfectly together...