Sunday, November 27, 2011

It's been awhile...

Our Sunday school class was recently going through a study together about the lies that Satan tells women everyday and the struggles that women go through. One of these struggles was how life is constantly changing. My life has been constantly changing since the day that I was born. My mom likes to stay busy...always has ever since I can remember. In the past few months I've experienced more change then I thought possible. Some of these changes have been good and some well...not so good. But as we were studying this struggle one of the ladies said that it was amazing how everything in life changes so quickly but God is always constant. From that day on I have yet to stop thinking about that comment. All I've ever known is change. I can't even begin to comprehend how something can be constant. And then my thoughts went deeper while thinking through this. I was saved as a young child so I honestly can't remember a time that I wasn't saved. I've always been able to talk to God and have a personal relationship with him. Now this thought may not affect you the way it did me but, the God that I loved and prayed too and worshiped when I was 5 years old is still the same God today. That just blows my mind away! I have changed so much over the years but He is still the same yesterday, today, and forever. Senior year is getting crazy busy...and trying to juggle everything is not as easy as I thought it would be. This year has definitely not gone the way I thought it would but honestly that's okay with me because every day I live I'm going to experience change but the fact that my God is always the same gives me a peace that surpasses all understanding.