Thursday, December 22, 2011


     I can't stand the word almost haunts me like a ghost. Isn't that terrible? Even though I'm so ready to graduate and so ready to move on with my life, I'm not ready to move away for college. Now I know its only a little over an hour away but still...just thinking about being separated from David, Hannah, Maegan, and my family makes me sad. I can't even begin to imagine what life will be like not living close to them, although it won't be too terribly awful since I can come home every Friday and spend the weekend at home. I wish I could just throw everyone in my suit case and bring them along for the joyous ride of college but I guess that's not realistic...although it would be fun trying to get my friends to fit inside a suit case, it would be humorous to watch! Oh well...I'm sure I'll live

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

It's a puzzle...

Life is a puzzle waiting to be put together...and I'm still trying to find the right pieces. Sunday my best friend and I took a "recap" picture of a picture that was taken of us when we were probably like 11. Looking back I realize how simple life truly was...I mean it was literally handed to me on a silver platter. Where did simplicity go?
 Complicated is my life's new favorite thing to be. I have this urge to find one of those movie scene country fields covered in yellow flowers and run through it for hours without a care in the that even possible? Everything in my life seems to be changing so slowly but I'm almost afraid to speed things up in case I miss something really important. All of this confusion has left me exhausted. I am weak mentally, emotionally, and even physically. But I guess that's apart of life right? I keep reminding myself that the Lord is my strength, my comfort, and my shelter...all of these answer I have been searching for can be found in the peace that only Christ gives. I guess 50+ years from now I may finally get to sit back and look at the finished puzzle in amazement at how each piece fit perfectly together...

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Well then...

This year I'm afraid I've experienced more downs then I have ups...I thought Senior year was suppose to be perfectly grand? Yeah I've never been so wrong...Life is definitely not what I expected or what I had planned. Some changes have been for the better but some...I'm not so sure about. A few days ago my parents told me I had to go to Bible College for a year, I knew it was coming but I guess I just wasn't ready to hear it. Even though I honestly had no plans for after highschool, I was just leaving life open to be lived, this wasn't exactly what I had planned....if that makes any sense. But I honestly just want to make my parents proud and have a good relationship with them, in other words as little conflict as possible. So therefore I'm just going to respect them and go in which ever direction they want me too. I still plan on staying in Alabama though, there are too many things here that I couldn't stand to be separated from. In August I will be packing up my stuff and moving...I'm not afraid of college, just the unknown. 

Thursday, December 1, 2011


I have started reading a chapter in Psalms everyday for my devotion because I finished the devotional book I've been going through and I really felt like Psalms was where God wanted me to study next. Today was my first day and the very first verse caught my attention. It states "Blessed is the man who does not walk in the council of the wicked...". I immediately thought; Our entire world is corrupted with sin...not walking in the council of sin must be much harder then it sounds. So I've been meditating on this verse all day and this is what my mind has come up with - When this verse says "council of the wicked" it makes me think of people, people who are wicked and overtaken with sin. But, I think this verse is talking about much more then just people. Anything that is wicked and displeasing to God is "the council of the wicked" and will hinder my walk with Christ. The only way personally I think I can "not walk in the council of the wicked" is by being "soaked" with the word of God and allowing him to consume my thoughts and actions.